Bible Study For New Believers

Hooray! You have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, welcome to the family of God. There is great Joy in Heaven because of you, Praise God. This new life is a beautiful one, one based on a relationship with the Holybible study for new believers Spirit and filled with treasure that is yours to know and experience. Explore the spiritual riches that comes with your new life in Christ and experience the kind of life your God has prepared for you using this Bible study for new believers.

Bible Study For New Believers Lesson to Follow


Focus Text: EPHESIANS 2:4–7

Beginning your relationship with Christ can be really confusing at first. This Bible study for new believers will help ease the process. In 2nd Corinthians 5:17, Paul writes, “When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand-new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!” The decision to become a Christian means that you are dead to who you used to be, eager to begin the new life in Christ and destined for eternal life. It is important that you always remember that you have been saved by grace through faith and not your works. Knowing Christ, understanding your identity in Him, living and walking in it is the next phase of your relationship with Christ. In Christ is where your identity should be. It’s in Jesus that you are somebody!


  • You are free from sin and now has the nature of God. Rom.6:17-18, 2nd Cor.5:21
  • You are now an heir of God and joint-heirs with Christ, therefore; You now share in Christ inheritance and is also a member of the family with God as Father. Rom.8:17, Is. 16:11, Eph. 1:3-4, 2nd Peter1:3-4.
  • You are now a disciple (follower) of Christ, on a mission as a minister to get others reconciled to God. Matt.28:19-20, 2Cor.5:17-20.
  • You now have the ability to renew your mind. Rom. 12:1-2.

It’s time for you to stand up and be who God says you are. And you need to let the devil know that you know who you are in Christ. Then anytime he tries to attack you, you can throw your shoulders back and say, “Don’t mess with me. I’m identified with Christ!”

MEMORY VERSE: Ephesians 2:6.




Focus Text: PSALM 119:105.

The relevance of God’s Word in our life cannot be overemphasized. This is because to be established in all we have learned so far, we must understand that God’s word is food for our Spirit as food is for our body and without it, the believer will be malnourished, thus unfruitful. God’s Word is the revelation of the purpose and intents of His heart towards His creation which is fully embodied in the Christ Jesus and recorded in the scriptures. Heb.1:1-3, Jn. 1:1-3, 14.

The importance of God’s Word.

  • God’s undying and ever faithful love for us is revealed unto us. Heb. 1:1-3
  • God’s word is the sword of the Spirit by which we destroy all the wiles of the devil. Eph.6:17, Ps. 119:105
  • It keeps the believer from sin. Ps 119:11
  • It is the substance of faith; this means that faith is a product of God’s word. Rom 10:17
  • It sanctifies. 1 Tim. 4:4-5, Jn. 15:3, Jn. 17:17
  • It provides spiritual nourishment for growth. 1Tim 4:6, 1Pet. 2:2, Col 3:16
  • It renews the mind. Rom 12:2

The Importance of God’s Word in Renewing the Mind

To grow into Christ in all things, the scriptures tells us to renew our minds so that we can be transformed from the traditions of this world to the image of Him who created us. To renew means to renovate. We must constantly renew our mind by removing or exchanging the thoughts, understanding, and reasoning that belonged to the old nature for the thoughts, understanding, and reasoning that belongs to our new nature. The agent of renewal is God’s word.

You can renew your mind through meditation [Josh.1:8, Ps. 1:1-3, James 1:23] which is rehearsing or thinking about something, until it becomes so real to you. What you meditate on forms your thoughts and your thoughts are the content of your mind. Who you are, where you are is a reflection of your thoughts and confession of God’s Word in faith over situations in your life and doing His will.

You must understand that God’s desires that you grow into spiritual maturity and not remain as babies so start now to fellowship with God through His word that you may grow into Christ in all things.

MEMORY VERSE: 1 Peter 2:2.


Focus Text: Acts 1:8, Lk 1:35, Job 33:4.


Even though he is invisible, the Holy Spirit is a real Person and completely God. He is addressed by several titles in the Bible – Spirit of God, Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit. We have one God in three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When you accepted Jesus into your life, he actually entered your life and will be with you forever, through the Holy Spirit living in you. You will never be alone!


  • To give you life. Read Ephesians 2:1-5. The Bible describes your life before Christ as being dead in your sins. Think of it as having a disease (sinfulness) that led to death (no life). Christ’s death on the cross took care of your disease; God’s grace has removed your sin from you. You are healed of the disease. Then, God’s Spirit restores life to you.
  • To give you a new beginning. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. You may not always feel or act new. But, in God’s eyes, you are totally new!
  • To teach you the way of truth. Read John 16:13-15, 1 Corinthians 2:9-12.
  • To free you from sin’s power. Read Galatians 5:16. The lure of life’s pleasures and old habits will tug at you. Your own hormones and desires will crave to be filled.
  • To bring your needs to the Father. Read Romans 8:26.
  • To transform you into the likeness of Christ. Read Romans 8:29 and 2 Corinthians 3:18. God’s awesome plan is to change you to become more like Jesus Christ in your character. Jesus’ Spirit living in you has begun this change, and he will continue his work throughout your life (Philippians 1:6).
  • To produce fruit in you and through you. Read Galatians 5:22-23. These qualities of Jesus’ character; the fruit of the Spirit will grow in your life.

As long as you live on earth, you will not only have the Holy Spirit living inside you, but you will also have your own flesh still with you and its desire for self-gratification. Just as a football player freely chooses to let his coach direct he so she can do his best to win the game, we must choose to yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives. Life will be a continual battle between the desire to do things your way or Christ’s way. The Holy Spirit is a greater power than your old self. Choosing to listen to and follow his leading will always be the right choice! You understand this more as you continue to do your Bible study for new believers. 

Memory Verse: Acts 1:8





Jesus taught his followers to think of God as their Heavenly Father. Prayer is communicating with your Heavenly Father and hearing back from him. It is a conversation with someone who loves you dearly. What a privilege for the believer to go directly into God’s presence and talk with him about whatever is on your heart. He desires to hear from us, and he promises to listen! (1 John 5:4-5)

The Holy Spirit helps you to pray (Romans 8:26) and teaches you how to pray in faith learning to trust in God’s goodness in how and when he answers your prayers. As you study God’s words to you in the Bible, the Spirit will teach you who God is and how to enjoy your prayer relationship with him.

Never be afraid to approach God in prayer, as his child, you are always welcome in his presence. Go to him…boldly “Therefore let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help.” (Hebrews 4:16)

You Can Talk to God Anytime and Anywhere and about anything, always thankful and expect that he would reply you. Without doing a thorough Bible study for new believers, you are likely not going to understand how to communicate with God correctly. 

Developing a Life of Prayer

As a Christian, you can approach prayer as a conversation with someone who loves you dearly. As with any relationship, living in the Father’s love takes regular time together with him. Plan a daily schedule that works for you to have focused time with your Heavenly Father. Many Christians call this a “Quiet Time.” Get away from all the distractions. Jesus, as our example, got away from the people surrounding him so that he could spend time talking to his Father. You must understand that the main ingredient of prayer is faith in God’s Word. The answer is not always ‘YES’ and might take some time before the answer manifest, therefore, don’t doubt because God loves you and He is making everything work together for your good.

MEMORY VERSE: Philippians 4:6


FOCUS TEXT: John 1:12-13, 1 Peter 2:9

The moment you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit ushered you into a new family called the Church; the body of Christ made up of all believers, with Christ as the Head of the family. This is why it’s important you get serious about your Bible study for new believers. However, God also wants you to be part of a local church family. It is like having relatives all over the world but living with your immediate family. A local church is a group of believers committed to worshiping Christ, teaching his Word, supporting each other as you follow Jesus together and proclaim the good news to others. Just as logs of firewood burn more brightly when placed together, so Christians need each other for warmth and encouragement. The local church provides an opportunity for us to enjoy this community. You will see that the benefits are mutual.

  • Growth. Read Ephesians 4:11-14. Pastors and teachers help you grow in your Christian life as they feed you the spiritual food of the Bible and help you to know God better.
  • Protection. Read Acts 20:28. Just as a house keeps people protected from harm, a good local church community can keep Christians safe from false teaching. Leaders that stay true to the Word of God will encourage the church community to stay true to God’s Word.
  • Love for Others. Read John 13:34-35. Being part of a church family helps you learn how to love others and their differences. As we do so, we model his love to the world.
  • Spiritual Gifts. Read 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 and Ephesians 4:16. God has given you spiritual gifts to benefit your church family. A local church family can help you discover your gift and learn how to use it to strengthen the Body of Christ. Whether God gave you the gift of singing, teaching, or giving, that role is a crucial one for the healthy functioning of the Body of Christ.

Finding Community in a Local Church

God knows you need the guidance of a pastor, the care of other Christians, and support of a good church to help you grow as a Christian. What makes a good church? No church is perfect just like no family is perfect, but a healthy church is committed to certain things. Look for a church that …


  • Worships Christ with their words and in their conduct
  • Teaches His Word as Truth
  • Grows Believers to Follow Jesus Together (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
  • Encourages Believers to spread the Good News (Matthew 28:19)


Stay Connected

One of the main reasons some Christians live defeated lives is that they have isolated themselves from other believers. Coming together with other believers in Christ’s name is similar to hot coals, which keep each other hot when lumped together. A coal that is separated from the others will soon grow cold. Isolation will lead to stunted spiritual growth and a lack of joy in your life. Pray and ask God to direct you to the local church he wants you to join. He has promised to provide for you, so you can trust him to answer your request. When you locate a healthy church that is committed to the four values listed above, thank God! Ask him how you can serve there.

MEMORY VERSE: Eph.1:12, Matt.28:19.

In conclusion, I’d like to emphasize on how tremendously happy I am that you made Christ Lord over your life but heaven is throwing a bigger party rejoicing over you. Seek to know God more, study, meditate on his word, remain in constant communication in prayer, don’t forget your power source in the Holy Spirit and become a part of a healthy local church. Together we will grow into maturity in Christ and also, we will meet in the heavenly feast in the life to come


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